

Recent studies of global healthcare systems have revealed that the United States of American is now ranked 42 in the world. (That said, if I needed to go to the hospital, I'd rather go in the USA...I just wouldn't expect the best deal in the world.)

Currently, studies have found that the United States of America is ranked #1 in the world...
We are the most costly healthcare system in the world!


Rising Costs


Downward Health Trend



Sure you're in balance?
Read the story of my aha moment relating to times our bodies send us false or confusing signals of what balance and center feels like.

[click to read]

Don't Pay Later
86% of Americans aged 65 and over are suffering from 3 degenerative disease processes that could have been managed more effectively if they had done more preventive methods earlier.

[click to read]

The Amazing Body
Read about a study done with football players about the amazing self-healing ability of the human body.

[click to read]



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